I am Dustin and I am a stamp and postcard collector from Germany. I collect stamps on children's books, fairy tales and fables and extraordinary stamps.
If you want to swap contact me: dustinhaus15@gmail.com

Visit also my other blog:

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Clocks in Slovenia and Slovakia

On Friday I got a stamp set from Slovenia on a cover.

This is it:

Clocks (issued 22-03-2019)
It is a joint issue with Slovakia.
- Sundial at the Pleterje Charterhouse, Slovenia
- Astronomical Clock in Stará Bystrica, Slovakia

Thank You very much Mateja!

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Puss in Boots

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one East German sheetlet I ordered:

Puss in Boots (issued 27-11-1968)

Teresa Teng

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Taiwanese stamp set I ordered:

Teresa Teng (issued 15-04-2015)

Australia's Bicentenary

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is a stamp series from Australia, New Zealand and the USA I ordered:

Australia's Bicentenary
The series consists of two joint issues. The first one was issued between Australia and the USA (issued 26-01-1988) and the second one was issued between Australia and New Zealand (issued 21-06-1988).

Britain's Entry into the European Communities

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one British stamp set I ordered:

Britain's Entry into the European Communities (issued 03-01-1973)

Fairy Tales from Hungary

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Hungarian stamp set I ordered:

Fairy Tales (issued 15-12-1959)
- Teacher reading Fairy Tales
- Sleeping Beauty
- Matt the Goose Boy
- The Cricket and the Ant
- Mashenka and the Three Bears
- Hansel and Gretel
- Pied Piper
- Little Red Riding Hood

Hans Christian Andersen from Bulgaria

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Bulgarian souvenir sheet I ordered:

200th birthday of Hans Christian Andersen (issued 20-05-2005)


On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one US stamp I ordered:

Snoopy (issued 17-05-2001)

13th Biennial of Illustration in Bratislava

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Czechoslovak stamp set I ordered:

13th Biennial of Illustration in Bratislava (issued 02-09-1991)
- The Frog King
- Pinocchio

The Ant and the Grasshopper

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one San Marinese stamp I ordered:

100 years Saving Bank (issued 19-02-1982)

French Fables

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one French stamp set I ordered:

Red Cross (issued 04-12-1978)
- The Hare and the Turtle
- The City Rat and the Field Rat

Cinderella from Uruguay

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Uruguayan stamp I ordered:

International Year of the Child - Cinderella (issued 29-08-1979)

The Frog King

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Austrian stamp I ordered:

The Frog King (issued 29-06-1981)

European Flag

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one French stamp I ordered:

Council of Europa - European Flag (issued 20-02-1971)

Queen Victoria

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one British stamp set I ordered:

150th anniversary of Queen Victoria's Accession (issued 08-09-1987)

Lithuania's Postal History

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Lithuanian stamp set I ordered:

75th anniversary of the first Lithuanian stamp (issued 16-11-1993)

Peace Treaties of Paris

On Monday I got the stamps I had ordered in an online stamp shop.

This is one Swiss stamp set I ordered:

Peace Treaties of Paris (issued 01-08-1919)

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Bauhaus stamps from Berlin, East Germany and Germany

On Thursday I bought the new German stamps.

This is one stamp pair I bought:

100 years Bauhaus (issued 04-04-2019)

I also bought the FDC of this stamp.

Recently I also bought some other Bauhaus related stamps for my collection. One stamp is from Berlin (issued 13-02-1986) and shows Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the Bauhaus' third director, and the other issue is from East Germany (issued 27-05-1980) and shows six Bauhaus-style buildings. If you want to know more about the Bauhaus check out my history blog. There I will publish a Bauhaus post soon.